Its Done!

You won’t believe it boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen!

I did it!

I finished my very first writing project!

Sure, sure, its not a novel, but it is a novella. Letters to My Heart is officially finished, and is currently going through its first pass of edits. I currently have no plans to publish this novella, but I’m keeping my options open.

I’m very proud of this fact that I finally finished something, especially something hearts related. I know I said I wanted After the Fade to be my first finished novel with a character who has a heart condition, but I think Letters to My Heart is a good exception, and a good first finished project. Its not a novel, and its not a short story, so I think I stick to my goal.

Keep an eye out for more posts that follow the progression of this story. I’m hoping to get it out to some family soon before I call in some beta readers. But, if all goes as planned I’m hoping to take on the editing of LTMH for March Camp NaNoWriMo. You know, if another story doesn’t make its home in my head first. 😉


Have a great Tuesday!

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